I reported about Lightning Mods’ noBD updater to help people with broken PS4 Blu-ray drive update their PS4 to 9.00. And then, we came to know that this would be a paid service, where the payloads are free but the updater application in itself would require a licence. But, Lightning Mods has decided to make PS4 noBD updater completely free for anyone interested!
A few days ago, Lightning Mods had set up a Ko-fi page which also doubled up as a page to sell the PKG licence. A Ko-fi goal of $225 was set. Once the goal was hit, LM said that the noBD updater would be made available for free to everyone. In the meantime, those who couldn’t wait tor wanted to support the efforts could donate $10 and get a one-time licence. The $225 goal was hit pretty easily and fast and here we have the noBD PS4 updater free of cost.
PS4 noBD Updater: Supported firmware
Currently, the updater supports the following firmware:
- 4.55
- 5.03
- 6.20
- 6.7X (6.70, 6.71, 6.72?)
- 7.0X (7.00, 7.00 Betas, 7.01, 7.02?)
- 7.50
- 7.51
- 7.55
This means you have to be on one of these firmware to be able to use this software. But, this is a constantly evolving list, as LM has been testing more and more firmware in an attempt to revive as much PS4s as possible. So, keep checking this list from time to time, as this list will keep changing.
How to update noBD PS4 with LM’s noBD Updater?
I have covered this briefly in another article. But, we have clearer details now.
So, here is what you will require to update a PS4 with broken or missing Blu-ray drive.
- Modified Mira payload – Both karo and kameleon have updated their hosts with these payloads.
- noBD Updater (PKG)
- USB drive (for PKG installation)
Detailed instructions to update firmware on noBD PS4
We will be updating this article when we have more details. LM has promised a detailed tutorial video. So, that will be shared here too. For now, here are the steps in brief.
- Format USB drive to exFAT.
- Copy the noBD updater PKG to the root of the USB drive.
- On PS4, go to the exploit host of choice and load the modified Mira payload.
- Plug USB drive in PS4.
- Go to Debug Settings and install noBD updater.
- Unplug USB drive.
- Start noBD Updater.
- Download firmware 9.00.
- Choose the appropriate option depending on the version you want to update from.
The rest of the steps including downloading the firmware and updating to it will be done by the PS4 and the application.
If you have had a PS4 as a paper weight just because it had a dead Blu-ray drive, then this is your chance to revive it. Let us know if you were able to revive your PS4 with this updater and how the process went for you.
Thanks for this info.
I have one question…
If I update my No-BD PS4 to 9.00 and then its HDD fails. When I replace its HDD it will ask me to reinstall 9.00. Will it reinstall without errors or my PS4 will be dead?
Your PS4 will be dead. This is why it is suggested to clone the working PS4 HDD so that you could use that image to restore to a working HDD.
Hi!, which be the best way to make the cloning image? I made once and work fine, I mean that take the original hard disk drive, made the cloning to another one using HireBootCd and Lazesoft recovering suit, next take this new one bkp hdd and made again the cloning to other hdd that I did put into the ps4, I went to safe mode a made a restauration and work fine again. Im saved the two hdd the original (its really old and get issues) and the first cloning (the second hdd), when I having an inciddent with the third hdd that its in the ps4, Im repeat the process using the new one bkp hdd (the second hdd) and the third hdd but doesnt worked again, used the original old hdd, please help!
tengo mi ps4 sin blue ray y hace mucho tiempo saque mi hdd para ponerlo en una laptop asi que solo puedo ingresar a modo seguro en mi ps4 habra alguna manera de instalar este firmware con un nuevo hdd en modo seguro
para seguir usando el ps4?
Guys please help me with my problem. When i press “download fw 9.0” button ps4 brings me this message “warning! failed to download the ps4 update from the dks archive”. What i am going to do to solve this problem?
I also notice https://darksoftware.xyz/ can not access. Is there any other way?
then the north of the ps4 works only on the ps4 which already has the system? so if the disc is ruined the ps4 is usable no way to update?
i have a ps4 with 3.00 update i can’t use wep prowser and i have bd rom issu so what i doo