The PS4 development community has come alive yet again and the past few weeks have been all about the new PPPwn exploit. Thanks to the PPPwn exploit, now, you can run PS4 Linux on 11.0 firmware. So, if you are one of those who had updated past 9.00 after waiting for months for a 9.00+ exploit, you are in luck. That is, as long as you didn’t update past 11.0. This article will discuss everything from running PPPwn on PS4 11.0 to finally loading Linux distros on your 11.0 PS4.
Just a quick note before we proceed though. The exploit on 11.0 is still evolving and in the current stage, is comparatively a hassle to run compared to the exFATHAX method on 9.00 and earlier. So, if you are currently on 9.00 or earlier, I’d recommend staying there for a few more months, let the latest exploits mature a bit. Or, if you have multiple PS4s, you can update to 11.0 and try new stuff and maybe help the devs debug.
On that note, let us proceed with the tutorial. But, before that, a quick introduction to the various exploits and their founders.
What is PPPwn exploit for PS4?
PPPwn gets its name from the exploit surface – PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet). This is an internet connection protocol that many ISPs including Optical Fibre operators still use. Much like the ancient Dial-up modems, this provides the user with a username and password to connect. And, like the name suggests, it connects through Ethernet either to a modem or directly to an Ethernet-enabled device. Read more about it here.
Anyways, how does that help the PS4 scene? Thanks to the well-known dev, theflow0’s (Andy Nguyen) finding reported on HackerOne, the PPPoE support on PS4 firmwares upto 11.0 can be used to run kernel-level code. In other words, you can run code enabling jailbreak on your PS4 due to a bud in the PPPoE protocol.
Once we had that running, we had SiSTR0, the resident Homebrew enabler dev, who developed the latest GoldHEN payload that finally enables you to do all the actual jailbreak stuff.
PS4 Linux payloads for 11.0
As for the payloads themselves, developer, EinTim released them a few days ago, after figuring out the offsets required to port them over to 11.0 from 9.00. While the offsets were made public by other developers like LightningMods, figuring it out is very difficult. So, kudos to EinTim for doing just that at a fast pace. Also, he is working on PS4 Linux payloads for 10.0, 10.1 and 9.60 even. You can monitor his repo to stay updated on any progress.
That pretty much covers the introduction I believe. Now, let us get into the actual process of jailbreaking PS4 on 11.0 and running Linux.
How to run Linux on PS4 on 11.0 using PPPwn exploit?
As usual, we will be using a step-by-step approach. Let us jump into the requirements.
- PS4 running firmware 11.0 (Download official/retail 11.0 here or here. Also, make a note of MD5 sum)
- USB drive (multiple/single for updating to 11.0; running PPPwn and then running Linux payloads)
- Windows PC
- Ethernet cable (for PPPwn exploit)
- PS4 Linux 11.0 payloads & Stage 2 loader (Download here)
- PS4 Linux distro (Download here)
- PS4 Linux Kernel – bzImage (Find PS4 Southbridge and Download appropriate kernel here)
- PS4 Linux initramfs.cpio.gz (Download here or download EinTim recommended)
- PPPwn GUI (Download here – Try various versions and use the one that works best for you)
- USB Keyboard and Mouse with a good USB hub (My equipment)
Now, let us get into the process in detail.
Step 1. Update PS4 to 11.0
This step applies only if you are on a firmware below 11.0.
- Plug USB drive on a Windows machine.
- Right click on the USB drive and click Format.
- Change File system to exFAT and click on Start.
- Once done, open the USB drive and create a folder in the root named PS4.
- Open the folder named PS4 and within it create another folder named UPDATE.
- Before proceeding, check MD5 sum of the file using application like WinMD5.
- Copy the downloaded firmware file (.PUP) to the UDPATE folder.
- Rename the PUP file to PS4UPDATE.PUP, if it is anything else.
- Unplug the USB drive and plug it into the PS4.
- Make sure the PS4 is not connected to Internet.
- On PS4, go to Settings, then choose System Software Update.
- It should say, Version 11.0 is available. If it does, choose Next and follow through.
- Post update, PS4 will reboot and you can check your firmware version in Settings to make sure you are on 11.0.
Now, let us look into the next step.
Step 2. Pre-prepare PS4 for PPPwn and PS4 Linux loading
- Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to your PS4 and the other end to your Windows machine.
- On PS4, go to Settings, then Network and enable the option – Connect to the Internet.
- Choose Set Up Internet Connection and then Use a LAN Cable.
- Choose Custom and then PPPoE. Enter any random alphanumeric string for the User ID and Password. Choose Next.
- Leave the rest of the settings on Automatic and choose Do Not Use on Proxy Server.
- Once it says, Internet settings updated, press on circle on the DS4 to go back. Do not choose Test Internet Connection yet.
- Extract the 11.0 payloads package.
- Open your preferred PPPwn GUI app. Select the correct Ethernet port under Config. Change firmware version to 11.0. For the Payload, choose the file – stage2_11.00.bin in the extracted folder.
There are two ways to proceed from here. You can either use the PS4 itself for installation. Else, you can use the faster alternate method for installation if you have another machine running Linux, preferably an Ubuntu-based distro. If you did choose the alternate method, move to Step 3.2. Else, continue with Step 3.1.
Step 3.1. Install and Load Linux on PS4 11.0 (installation using PS4)
Step 3.1.1 Prepare USB drive for Linux installation using PS4
- Format USB drive, preferably SSD to FAT32 using FAT32 Format (Download here).
- Copy the distro file (.tar.xz or .tar.gz) to the root of the USB drive along with the downloaded kernel (bzImage) and initram. N.B. Depending on the archive format (.tar.gz or .tar.xz), you might have to change the initram file.
- Within the extracted payloads folder (in Step 2), rename payload-1100.bin to payload.bin. Copy payload.bin to the root of the USB drive.
Step 3.1.2 Install and load PS4 Linux distro
- Connect the prepared USB drive to the PS4 along with a keyboard and mouse.
- When ready, on the PPPwn app on Windows, click on Run Exploit.
- On your PS4, assuming you are still under Network settings, select Test Internet Connection.
- If successful, Obtain IP Address on PS4 should say successful, followed by which the screen should go black dropping you into the familiar initram shell.
- Once it drops to rescueshell, type
exec install-psxitarch.sh
or the corresponding command for your initram. This should start the installation. It will take some time. - Once installed, type
exec start-psxitarch.sh
, which will drop you into the distro!
Step 3.2. Load Linux on PS4 (after alternate method for installation)
Step 3.2.1 Prepare USB drive for loading Linux on PS4
- Complete PS4 Linux installation using this tutorial.
- Within the extracted payloads folder (in Step 2), rename preferred payload depending on the VRAM you require, to payload.bin. For example, payload-1100-3gb.bin pertains to the 3GB VRAM payload. Copy payload.bin to the root of the FAT32 partition containing bzImage and initramfs.cpio.gz.
Step 3.2.1 Load PS4 Linux distro
- Connect the prepared USB drive to the PS4 along with a keyboard and mouse.
- When ready, on the PPPwn app on Windows, click on Run Exploit.
- On your PS4, assuming you are still under Network settings, select Test Internet Connection.
- If successful, Obtain IP Address on PS4 should say successful, followed by which the screen should go black dropping you into the familiar initram shell and then, the distro should load.
Step 4. Change Linux payload (VRAM)
This is important if you are testing games, or if you simply need to change the payload after installation using PS4 (Step3.1: 3.1.1-3.1.2). In this case, just follow these directions:-
- Power off PS4 Linux.
- Connect the Linux USB drive to Windows machine.
- Within the extracted payloads folder (in Step 2), rename preferred payload depending on the VRAM you require, to payload.bin. For example, payload-1100-3gb.bin pertains to the 3GB VRAM payload. Copy payload.bin to the root of the FAT32 partition containing bzImage and initramfs.cpio.gz.
Now, you are ready to load into Linux with the newly selected payloads.
Step 5. Loading Linux on PS4 11.0 subsequently
For the time being, this is the most painful part, cause each time you want to load Linux, you will have to go through some steps as earlier. Rest assured though, the devs are working on simpler solutions. Anyways, for your convenience, here are the steps to follow.
If you connected to another Internet source (Ethernet or WiFi) post reboot, you will have to redo the steps from Step 1 below. Else, if you still have the PPPoE connection intact with an Ethernet cable connecting your PS4 directly to your Windows machine, skip to Step 7. Also, before proceeding, make sure that the FAT32 partition on the USB drive still has the file – payload.bin.
- Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to your PS4 and the other end to your Windows machine.
- On PS4, go to Settings, then Network and enable the option – Connect to the Internet.
- Choose Set Up Internet Connection and then Use a LAN Cable.
- Choose Custom and then PPPoE. Enter any random alphanumeric string for the User ID and Password. Choose Next.
- Leave the rest of the settings on Automatic and choose Do Not Use on Proxy Server.
- Once it says, Internet settings updated, press on circle on the DS4 to go back. Do not choose Test Internet Connection yet.
- Open your preferred PPPwn GUI app. Select the correct Ethernet port under Config. Change firmware version to 11.0. For the Payload, choose the file – stage2_11.00.bin in the extracted payloads folder.
- When ready, click on Run Exploit on the PPPwn app.
- On your PS4, assuming you are still under Network settings, select Test Internet Connection.
- If successful, Obtain IP Address on PS4 should say successful, followed by which the screen should go black dropping you into the familiar initram shell and then, the distro should load.
And, that’s how you can run PS4 Linux on 11.0. Since this is a new method, you might face some issues. Drop any problems you face while using the tutorial below, and I will try to help you out. Good luck. By the way, here is a video from EinTim himself showing his Belize PS4 on 11.0 running Linux:-
I Hope they Will release a method to do It with the Raspberry pi (pi pppwn) because inject payloads its very easy
We should have it soon, I guess.
Will this work for ps4 pro, or should i use a different distro?
Will work on Pros as well.
So could i get a wireless keyboard & mouse aslong as it is not bluetooth style, or should i stick with a cheapo wired keyboard while using the controller to get it installed with no issues?
Both wired and wireless (non-Bluetooth) keyboard and mouse combo work on PS4 Linux, right off the box. So, it depends on your preference. I recommend getting a keyboard with good travel and feel cause on Linux, you will have to use terminal commands often.
I’m trying to launch linux using my raspberry pi.
My ps4 is shutting down when the exploit is triggered.
I use the right bzimage (Baikal) for my ps4 pro
I’m using “payload-1100.bin” for the stage 1 and “stage2_11.00.bin” for the stage2
On my pi I launch with this command:
“sudo /boot/firmware/PPPwn/pppwn7 –interface eth0 –fw 1100 –stage1 linux_payload/payload-1100.bin –stage2 linux_payload/stage2_11.00.bin –timeout 10 –auto-retry”
My usb stick has:
payload.bin (payload-1100 renamed)
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong
Try using a Windows device instead of RPi and see if the issue persists. If it does, you might have one of those consoles which has an issue running the payloads for now.
I only have a macBook without ethernet port and no adapter.
Weird cause I have no issue when I launch goldhen
i dont seem to have working internet at all even when using usb tethering from my phone
Will require kernel editing. Check this article.
After some time I have gotten psxitarach to run on my baikal ps4 11.00 slim using the modified kernel 5.4.213 with the MT7668 WiFi/BT fix and a custom initramfs compiled from hippie68’s original and the MT7668 patch! The issue I’m having is I can’t get it to run on subsequent boots. It just crashes the ps4 when the exploit runs. I’ve put the payload.bin back into the fat32 partition. What do you think is most likely the cause be the cause?
The most likely cause is the payload itself. It’s still in the nascent stage. Wait for updates.
How can i do this with the Karo218.ir/1100/ linux payload? I don’t want to change the stage2.bin on my rasberry pi constantly.
For pop os system which uses initramsfs?
hi evrywon i have a problem by Step 3.1.2. wen i in the familiar initram shell it coms an error: the root variable is emtpty, set to false or zero but shouldent be. tatsh the error.
Try reinstalling.
I reinstallit sevrial times it dosent work
When I run PPPwn as soon as completes The TV loses the HDMI signal in the PlayStation. Either hangs up without bringing the signal back or crashes. I’ve double-checked all the files are named correctly and I am using the correct ones. I’ve tried several USB external drives, reformatted the drives etc. All of the settings for the video output in the PlayStation are set to the recommended settings. I’ve tried several kernels that match my South bridge with the same result. Any ideas?
1. Check if you are using proper kernel.
2. Try using another payload or exploit host.
3. If on 11.0, try this updated fix for all PS4 models.
I have tried several different Baikal kernels. I use PPPwn gui 1.8 & 1.9 for GoldHen without any issues. Tried PPPwngo and still get the same result. I am using the linux payload from the zip file listed in the guide. Sometimes it crashes and sometimes it just seems to loose the video signal and front light just glows blue/purple forever until I power cycle it. My External SSD is formatted to FAT32 and is set as mbr. The root of the ssd is as follows:
Anything else to try?
Not for now. EinTim from what I have heard is aware of the issue on some models and is probably working on it.
Alright, after trying a bunch of kernels I finally got the shell to load. Now I get an error that says “no valid USB device found”. I’ll post a link to a picture. I trad USB 2.0 and 3.2 flash drives formatted in FAT32 with Rufus. Also tried a 240GB SSD in a 3.0 enclosure. Tried different ports on the PS4. Been stuck here for a few days trying everything I could find with no luck. Any ideas? Could a failed attempt to install prior be causing any issues and if so any advice for fixing it? The first time I tried I typed the following command “exec install-psxitarch.sh” and lost video output but let the console stay on for a while so I not sure it it tried to install anything.
Are you sure that, you formatted the drive using the FAT32 GUI app? If nothing else works, try the alternate method of installation.
Hi Noob,
I was having trouble getting BT and WIFI running when booting Batocera of a USB on PS4 11.0. I read all your posts and did not find a clear method of installing it to the PS4 HDD so I got a little creative.
Following Modded Warfares latest Linux install instructions and using the Batocera distro on your page ( along with the Belize Kernel and intfs file) I was able to initiate the install. Problem is mid way through the install hangs as follows
execute “/sbin/getty” ID 4 ( ID 5 etc ) respawning too fast : diabled for 5 minutes
Is this expected when installing the batocera distro internally ? Wondering if I should not have even tried this or if there is some way to correct the error…. From what i can tell this has not been posted about previously
Unfortunately, the way I have setup Batocera, it is not easy to do an internal install.
Thanks for the reply. I was hoping internal install would help with BT and WIFI issues on my slim console( doesnt seem to be the probemaic chip set) In that case is adding drivers and compiling a kernel the best way foward?
If it isn’t MT7668, for the time being, I recommend getting a USB adaptor.
How do I get wifi working in Debian 10? , When I try to connect, It just asks me to authenticate again, I’ve checked the password and it is correct.
What WiFi chipset is it?
Hey, Just wanted to ask if there are alternatives to the keyboard requirements, like another way to write commands/skip them/automate them? For the people who might not have a keyboard
If yours doesn’t have Blackscreen, you can technically install the distro using the alternate installation method or using Rufus images (make your own). Then, chroot into the installation using a Linux PC and set it up to detect your input device on boot.