Download and decompress "Elive-Retrowave-PS47zip001 et 002" In Howto-SDD you will find the same explanation for formatting your SSD or USB a 50 MB partition in fat 32, in which you will decompress the system-elive-Aeolia.tar archive. gz. Which contains the bzimage and initramfs.cpio.gz.
the other partition in ext4 or you will decompress the archive as specified in alternative mode ;
sudo tar -xvJpf /home/tux/....../ps4linux.tar.xz -C /media/tux/psxitarch --numeric-owner
everything is in the archives read the howto
tested on aeolia2, can you send me the bzimage and initramfs.cpio.gz links, for those who will test on PS4PRO . I'll upgrade them to mega.
THANK you NooB404 and all members
added pixterm on elive-retrowave :