I've tried to install the fedora 38 distro by DF_AUS on my ps4 pro (firmware 11.00) with the Nazky initramfs. On my first attempt I tried with the 5.4.99 baikal kernel by DF_AUS, but it didn't boot: the Arch.img file was generated but I think there were some errors during the extraction of files (yes, I renamed the psxitarch.tar.xz file to arch.tar.xz, but it didn't seem to make a difference).
Then I read on the documentation (https://github.com/Hakkuraifu/PS4Linux-Documentation that not all kernels have "HDD support", so i tried again (after deleting the Arch.img file using FTP) with the 5.4.213 kernel by noob404, hoping that it would have "HDD support" but it too didn't work.
Now I am wondering: is it a kernel problem? If it is, does a baikal kernel with "HDD support" exist?
Or maybe the problem is somewhere else?